Turbo Charged Athletics Blog
Youth Athletes are faced with data overload, competition like no other and a myriad of options, some great, many not so great. We are here to provide focused solutions that are SAFE, EFFECTIVE and extremely fun and addicting.
The Connection Between Nutrition and Mental Focus in Young Athletes
Nutrition plays a vital role in every young athlete’s success, not just in their physical performance but also in their mental sharpness. Whether they’re training,
Lunges For Athletic Performance: How They Improve Strength and Agility
Lunges are a game-changer for youth athletes aiming to improve their performance on the field or court. This simple yet effective exercise builds strength, stability,
Plank Variations to Build Core Strength in Young Athletes
A strong core is essential for young athletes, as it improves balance, stability, and overall performance in sports. Planks are one of the best exercises
Youth Athletes and Caffeine: The Do’s and Don’ts
Caffeine is a common stimulant found in drinks like energy drinks and sodas, as well as a few foods like chocolate. Youth athletes may be
Should Youth Athletes Use Protein Powder?
Protein is a key nutrient for growing bodies and active muscles, making it essential for youth athletes. With the growing popularity of protein powders, many
Push-Up Progressions: Developing Upper Body Strength For Youth Athletes
For both kids and adults, push-ups are a foundational exercise that helps with developing upper body strength. They’re perfect for youth athletes who want to